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Diversity in Diving Survey

Diversity in Diving Survey

This survey is now closed. Thank you for your incredible responses – keep an eye out for the results!

There are so many incredible women at a high level of diving who are doing amazing things. We love celebrating them in our communities, but we want there to be more of us! The Girls that Scuba mission is to encourage more women to scuba dive, to empower those of us who are already diving, and to elevate more diverse representation within the scuba industry.

Most certification agencies don’t publish information about the gender gap at a professional level. However, many people notice that there are less women and non-binary people represented at higher levels of diving. We want to understand why this is, and you can help.

Alongside our friends at Dive Ninjas, we’ve put together a short Diversity in Diving survey. This will allow us to better understand the reasoning behind the drop off of women and non-binary divers in continuing education and at a professional level. 

Diversity in Diving Survey FAQs

Who is this for?

This is for women and non-binary people who have tried scuba diving, who are certified divers, and those pursuing a career in scuba diving. 

How long will it take?

The survey typically takes 5-10 minutes to complete. 

How will the results be used?

We will publish the results as an article on the Girls that Scuba website (similar to our pregnancy survey results), and in a more in-depth format. This will also be available via the website. We hope to share these results within the industry to raise awareness of the factors affecting the progression of women and non-binary people in scuba diving. 

As well as raising awareness, we also want to offer solutions for how to increase the representation of women and non-binary people at a higher level of diving. 

I want to work in diving professionally but don’t want to be an instructor – is this still for me?

We’re interested in hearing from people with a diverse range of diving career goals. Some of the responses refer to a “typical” progression through recreational and professional certifications, to make it easier for us to group responses together and analyse the information. 

If these certifications don’t apply to you, please choose the nearest equivalent certification. You’ll be able to give more context in long-form text box replies.

We can’t wait to use this information to make impactful changes within the dive industry. Please share this survey with your fellow women and non-binary divers. We want to hear from as many people as possible!

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